Start or Grow Your Business
There was a moment you felt inspired, you felt the urge to go out on your own and share your craft with the world. Don’t let that passion and inspiration pass by. Don’t let fear and anxiety hold you back. Any hurdles you are imagining are smaller than you think. Now is the time to act on your desires. Plant that proverbial seed and watch your business grow and thrive!
However, just like the seedling of a plant, you need to do some prep work in order to make sure your business can grow successfully. That starts with knowing what type of business you want to set up. I don’t mean what services and products you want to offer, I mean how the business is legally structured. A business structure is an entity that is legally recognized within a jurisdiction. In other words, it’s the framework of how your business will handle ownership rights, income, losses, donations, etc. Luckily you don’t need to get out the blueprints and draw up this framework. The courts and legislators have already done that for you. There are several different frameworks or structures that you can choose from.
What is a LLC? What is a S corp?
The business structures guide is meant to outline the different business structures and help you discern the nuances between them. Because each structure has so many different components there is no one size fits all option. Each person or persons starting a business will have different needs and although I will not be able to address them all in the guide, I hope that it will be enough to distill the fear and break down the hurdles you may feel when starting out on your own. I answer some common questions that can help guide you to a business structure that is right for you. Learn more about the Business Structures Guide.